Time Management, Motivation, & Self-Regulation Skip to main content

Time Management, Motivation, & Self-Regulation

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Becoming an independent, lifelong learner involves more than study skills. You'll need to be able to manage your schedule, your stress, your sleep, and your environment, as well as honestly evaluate where you need to improve.

Time Management

June 22, 2020 09:50 PM
The key to learning effectiveness and success is doing the right thing when it needs to be done. No one is perfect, so don't worry if you aren't either. But you can use these tips to help you get better!


Do you ever find yourself stuck in a procrastination spiral? Do your breaks turn into all-day events? Give yourself a short inner evaluation with a few quick questions to get things back on track.

Setting Up Your Space

July 22, 2020 02:43 PM
Routine and structure can help you learn and manage their time and lives more effectively. Use these tips to help you prepare for both online and ‘live’ learning classes.


July 16, 2020 11:33 AM
Metacognition is the ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate your own learning. It helps you take a more thoughtful approach to choosing your learning strategies.


July 16, 2020 11:14 AM
Self-regulation involves our ability to monitor and regulate our thoughts, emotions and behaviors to move ourselves toward important goals: an essential skill for any college student looking to level up their productivity.

The Importance of Sleep!

December 28, 2020 06:18 PM
Consistently getting sufficient sleep can help improve memory and learning, increase energy, and improve mood. Whereas, getting less than 7-8 hours of sleep per night has an adverse effect on a multitude of aspects that directly and indirectly influence your health, mental wellbeing, and learning.

Effective Breaks

August 07, 2020 02:31 PM
Breaks help us refocus our energy and concentration. Throughout a study session, it’s important to stop and refocus--it actually builds motivation, encourages creativity, and pushes you to be more productive.

40 Ways to "Y-ND" Down

August 07, 2020 01:41 PM
Take a breather. Unwind. Take a break. Kick back. Whatever you call it, stepping away from studying and homework on occasion can keep you from burning out. Here's our list of suggestions to help you "Y-nd" down.


Time Management Tips for BYU Students
Learning Motivation
Using Visualization to Reach Your Goals