How will I know how my classes will be conducted? What about assignments, contact with teaching assistants, and other course related issues?
Instructors will contact you with details on how your courses will proceed with remote instruction. Faculty learned of the move to remote instruction at the same time you did, so be patient as they work out the details.
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Will the remote class instruction be held at the same time as my regular class?
Plan to keep your class time available until you hear otherwise. Some instructors will hold live lectures at the regularly scheduled time, while others may choose to prerecord lectures you can watch any time. If you’ve moved to another time zone, remember to adjust accordingly.
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How can I prepare for remote instruction?
BYU has a site license for Zoom for remote instruction and many faculty will begin using it for lectures and other student interaction. Go to to download the app and review instructions on its use to be prepared when classes resume. This is free for your use.
Find a location with a good internet connection. If you use a phone to receive content, use a wireless connection because phone companies are struggling to keep up with the demand for streaming.
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What access will I have to campus resources?
While the Wilkinson Student Center (WSC) and the Harold B. Lee Library (HBLL) will be open, we encourage students to find locations to study in smaller groups in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some academic buildings may be closed to the public but available to employees and students with key or card access.
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What if I don’t have a device for receiving online instruction?
The Office of Information Technology has a limited number of computers available for checkout if you don’t have access to a computer or smart phone capable of receiving video. These are surplus computers with limited performance. Call 801-422-4000 for more information.