Learning Strategies & Study Skills
Doing simple things consistently over time can help you learn more effectively and be much more successful. Take advantage of the strategies that can transform the time you spend studying from unproductive to invaluable.
Reading Strategies
Effective reading strategies can help you understand and remember what you've read and help you be more successful in class.
Listening & Note Taking
Research has shown that taking notes by hand and using your own words increases comprehension and recall. Additionally, you create your own study guide for tests...
Cornell Notes
Instead of trying to write down everything your instructor says, use this 2-column approach to better organize what you're learning and save time when you need to study.
Class Participation
Whether you're in the classroom, in a Zoom class meeting, or in an online class discussion, participating is valuable to your learning as you share your thoughts and hear those of your classmates.
Getting Ready for Tests
Effective test preparation can help you to learn and be ready to show it come test day. But it doesn't start the night before the test. To really learn, think ahead!